International Partnerships

The Mouse Biology Program at UC Davis has a rich history of collaborating with many international consortiums. Through international collaboration come new ideas and connections.  This integrative approach allows for better diversity in thinking, problem-solving and better research and has positioned the Mouse Biology Program at the epicenter for mouse research around the globe.


The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) is an international effort by 19 research institutions to identify the function of every protein-coding gene in the mouse genome. The IMPC’s mission is to fill this knowledge gap and create a comprehensive catalogue of mammalian gene function that is freely available for researchers. For more information on the IMPC, please visit:

Internation Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Office Logo

DTCC Consortium – KOMP2-Phase 2 Production and Phenotyping

As a founding member of the Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP), the first phase of the program focused on generating targeted knockout mutations in mouse ES cells. Now in its second phase, the international effort of the KOMP2 project, relies upon the successful generation of strains of knockout mice from original KOMP ES cells. All of the data generated by the KOMP2 program are collected and made public by a central Data Coordination Center Database, with support from Mouse Genome Informatics. To learn more about the KOMP Repository, visit:


Consortium for Public Outreach for Animal Research

An international consortium of organizations dedicated to informing the public about, and advocating for the responsible use of animals in research. Please visit: